Friday, January 30, 2015

FRIDAY 1/30/15

cHi there!  How are you being Civilized today?

HAVE OUT: SPRITE-G Ancient Civilization Notes and Ancient Civilizations Digital Story Directions

WHY? : ID, EVALUATE and ANALYZE the S-P-R-I-T-E-G information of Ancient Civilizations

  1. REVIEW: Digital Story Detectives  ( GLOWS or GROWS from DIGITAL STORY DIRECTIONS )
  2. EXTENSION and PRESENTATION: Task and Checklists
    HOMEWORK:  Cornell Notes for your ASSIGNED TEXT SECTION 1/28
                                  SPRITE-G Chart Complete EOC 1/29
                                  EXTENSION INFO (5 Bullets) EOC 1/30
                                  FINAL PROJECT DUE 2/2