Monday, October 13, 2014

Tuesday 10/14

YES!  A new WEEK, A new QUARTER and a new START!  Keep doing those things you do well and stop with those negative actions.....LEAVE the BAD behind and give a BIG HUG to the PRESENT GOOD!

HAVE OUT: #9 To Frack or Not To Frack: That is the Question?

WHY? Review POLITICS and BELIEFS through TIME,   ID,EVALUATE and CREATE an understanding of POLITICAL DECISIONS  in contemporary issues.

  1. PADLET:  ID and CONNECT:  LOOKING at your EVALUATE IT HOMEWORK, choose a cartoon. Is it PRO or CON and what FACT supports it.
  2. #9 TO FRACK OR NOT TO FRACK: That is the question.  OUT to check and USE,
HOMEWORK:  Complete Evaluate it (5 sources) 10/14
                             Complete Create It (10 arguments chart) 10/15
                             DEBATE IT (IMAGES, STATEMENTS) 10/16