Friday, December 12, 2014

FRIDAY 12/12


HAVE OUT: What's Cool and Project Evaluation

WHY? :   ID, ANALYZE the CULTURAL, POLITICAL and ECONOMIC ideas and INDIVIDUALS of the 20th & 21st century. ID and EVALUATE how those ideas demonstrate CONFLICT and COOPERATION in the modern world.  

  1. NC FINAL EXAM:  practice time :) jigsaw and check
  2. NC FINAL EXAM: Fun ways to REVIEW: Blog Link and Picture and Videos


    WORLD HISTORY FINAL (20% of your SUCCESS)  12/15 1st PD and 12/16 3rd and 4th PD

    Wednesday, December 10, 2014

    THURSDAY 12/11



    WHY? :   ID, ANALYZE the CULTURAL, POLITICAL and ECONOMIC ideas and INDIVIDUALS of the 20th & 21st century. ID and EVALUATE how those ideas demonstrate CONFLICT and COOPERATION in the modern world.  

    PLAN OF THE DAY: WHAT CAN YOU DO RIGHT NOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL and "SEXY"  (smart, kind and giving)
    1. WHAT'S COOL?: OUT to turn in
    2. COMPLEMENTS and QUESTIONS: Projects STAY or GO?
    4. NC FINAL EXAM:  practice time :)
    5. NC FINAL EXAM: Fun ways to REVIEW: Blog Link and Picture
      PD 1:  Project Evaluation
      PD 3/4 : NC FINAL EXAM: practice

      WORLD HISTORY FINAL (20% of your SUCCESS)  12/15 1st PD and 12/16 3rd and 4th PD
      USE WORLD HISTORY TEST REVIEW LINK (on upper left side of BLOG)
      USE WHOSE THAT? Famous People Image

      Tuesday, December 9, 2014

      WEDNESDAY 12/10


      HAVE OUT: #26 World History Class Review and WDSF Tasks

      WHY? :  ID, REVIEW and EVALUATE questions for World History Final Exam. REVIEW, ID and CREATE task items and trifold for WDSF

      PLAN OF THE DAY: WHAT CAN YOU DO RIGHT NOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL and "SEXY"  (smart, kind and giving)?
      1. #26 World History Class Review: How this works? PRESENT,  ID, CHECK, QUESTION
      2. WDSF Project: Check your Tasks, Evaluate your Rubric, Complete your Trifold
        HOMEWORK:  WORLD HISTORY FINAL (20% of your SUCCESS)  12/15 1st PD and 12/16 3rd and 4th PD

        WDSF PROJECT!!  All the TIME, ONLY the BEST :)
        WDSF FINAL PROJECT DUE 12/11 No Lates  No Excuses

        Monday, December 8, 2014

        TUESDAY 12/9


        HAVE OUT: #26 World History Class Review and WDSF Tasks

        WHY? :  ID, REVIEW and EVALUATE questions for World History Final Exam. REVIEW, ID and CREATE task items and trifold for WDSF

        PLAN OF THE DAY:
        1. PADLET: ID and EVALUATE: What 3 pieces of advice does Ashton Kutcher give you?
        2. #26 World History Class Review: How this works? PRESENT,  ID, CHECK, QUESTION
        3. WDSF Project: Folders? Bibliography? Supplies for Table? Rubric?
          HOMEWORK:  WORLD HISTORY FINAL (20% of your SUCCESS)  12/15 1st PD and 12/16 3rd and 4th PD

          WDSF PROJECT!!  All the TIME, ONLY the BEST :)

          FINAL DUE DATE 12/11

          Sunday, December 7, 2014

          Monday 12/8


          HAVE OUT: #26 World History Class Review and WDSF Tasks (WOW and Group Verse Item #2)

          WHY? :  ID, REVIEW and EVALUATE questions for World History Final Exam. REVIEW, ID and CREATE task items and trifold for WDSF

          PLAN OF THE DAY:
          1. PADLET: ID and EVALUATE: What helpful advice do YOU have for your classmates in this last week of the semester?
          2. #26 World History Class Review: How this works? PRESENT,  ID, CHECK, QUESTION
          3. WDSF Project:   WOW: Critical Friends
            HOMEWORK:  WORLD HISTORY FINAL (20% of your SUCCESS)  12/15 1st PD and 12/16 3rd and 4th PD

            WDSF PROJECT!!  All the TIME, ONLY the BEST :)
            WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:    

             Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8

            FINAL DUE DATE 12/11

            Thursday, December 4, 2014

            Friday 12/5

            Spend the your life in gratitude for all that STEM and in LIFE has given you!   Everyday is a wonderful chance to understand the world, yourself and BE HAPPY!

            HAVE OUT: #26 World History Class Review and WDSF Tasks

            WHY? :  ID, REVIEW and EVALUATE questions for World History Final Exam. REVIEW, ID and CREATE task items and trifold for WDSF

            PLAN OF THE DAY:
            1. PADLET: ID and EVALUATE:  ID who do you see in this clip and HOW can they provide inspiration for your WDSF Project?
            2. #26 World History Class Review: How this works? PRESENT,  ID, CHECK, QUESTION
            3. WDSF Project: RUBRIC and BE SOMEONE.  What TASKS can you complete to be successful?
              HOMEWORK:  WORLD HISTORY FINAL (20% of your SUCCESS)  12/15 1st PD and 12/16 3rd and 4th PD  GRADE REPORT 12/8

              WDSF PROJECT!!  All the TIME, ONLY the BEST :)
              WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:    

               Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8

              FINAL DUE DATE 12/11

              Thursday 12/4

              Spend the your life in gratitude for all that STEM and in LIFE has given you!   Everyday is a wonderful chance to understand the world, yourself and BE HAPPY!

              HAVE OUT: #26 World History Class Review

              WHY? : REVIEW your economic impact on Human Rights. ID, REVIEW and EVALUATE questions for World History Final Exam

              PLAN OF THE DAY:
              1. PADLET: What is 1 CHOICE you can make to reduce modern, global slavery?
              2. #26 World History Class Review: How this works?  (TEST and PRESENTATION Shared with YOU)
              3. WDSF Project: What TASKS can you complete to be successful?
                WDSF PROJECT!!  All the TIME, ONLY the BEST :)
                WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:    

                 Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8

                FINAL DUE DATE 12/11

                Tuesday, December 2, 2014

                Wednesday 12/3

                Spend the your life in gratitude for all that STEM and in LIFE has given you!   Everyday is a wonderful chance to understand the world, yourself and BE HAPPY!

                HAVE OUT:

                WHY? : ID and ANALYZE economic decisions and human rights. Evaluate YOUR impact on Human Rights

                PLAN OF THE DAY:
                1. PADLET: ID one country where slavery exists and EVALUATE WHAT the slavery is like?
                2. #25 Slavery Footprint (document shared with you)
                3. #26 World History Class Review: How this works?  (TEST and PRESENTATION Shared with YOU)
                  WDSF PROJECT!!  All the TIME, ONLY the BEST :)
                  WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:    

                   Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8

                  FINAL DUE DATE 12/11

                  Monday, December 1, 2014

                  TUESDAY 12/2

                  Spend the your life in gratitude for all that STEM and in LIFE has given you!   Everyday is a wonderful chance to understand the world, yourself and BE HAPPY!

                  HAVE OUT:  23 The Problem With Sneakers (shared with you)

                  WHY? : ID and ANALYZE economic decisions and human rights. Review Human Rights

                  PLAN OF THE DAY:
                  1. REVIEW QUIZ:  UN Declaration of Human Rights and The Problem With Sneakers
                  2. #24 Behind the Swoosh (Shared with you)
                  3. WDSF Project Work Day: Reminders and Tasks
                    HOMEWORK: None!  WDSF project work continues....
                    WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:                Time Period Item #4: ____12/2___

                     Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8

                    FINAL DUE DATE 12/11

                    MONDAY 12/1

                    Spend the your life in gratitude for all that STEM and in LIFE has given you!   Everyday is a wonderful chance to understand the world, yourself and BE HAPPY!

                    HAVE OUT:  23 The Problem With Sneakers (shared with you)

                    WHY? : Evaluate the effectiveness of cooperative efforts and consensus building among nations, regions, and groups. Explain the implications of economic decisions in national and international affairs. Understand the creation of the Declaration of Human Rights

                    PLAN OF THE DAY:
                    1. PADLET: ID and EVALUATE.  What is the message of this Cartoon?
                    2. #23 The Problem With Sneakers (shared with you)
                      HOMEWORK: Time Period Item #4 and The Problem With Sneakers
                      WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:                Time Period Item #4: ____12/2___

                       Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8

                      FINAL DUE DATE 12/11

                      Tuesday, November 25, 2014

                      TUESDAY 11/25

                      Be THANKFUL for your opportunities at STEM and in LIFE!   Everyday is a wonderful chance to understand the world, yourself and BE HAPPY!

                      HAVE OUT:  #22 International Organizations,  Group Verse Item #1

                      WHY? : ID and EVALUATE and REVIEW PEER TASKS WDSF and ID and ANALYZE international organizations.

                      PLAN OF THE DAY:
                      1. PADLET: ID and EVALUATE.  Why does being THANKFUL help COOPERATION?
                      2. GRATITUDE:  What are 5 takeaways from this video? 
                      3. #22 International Organizations:  What do these organizations DO? 
                      4. WDSF:  WORK DAY (Peer Review, Time Period Item #4 work, Display Planning)
                        HOMEWORK: Time Period Item # 4 and WORK ON YOUR "WOW"
                        WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:                Time Period Item #4: ____12/2___

                         Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8

                        FINAL DUE DATE 12/11

                        Sunday, November 23, 2014

                        Monday 11/24

                        Be THANKFUL for your opportunities at STEM and in LIFE!   Everyday is a wonderful chance to understand the world, yourself and BE HAPPY!

                        HAVE OUT:  Computer/Blog

                        WHY? : ID and EVALUATE why we need international cooperation. ID and ANALYZE international organizations.

                        PLAN OF THE DAY:
                        1. PADLET: ID Why do we need International Cooperation ?
                        2. #21 Why Do We Need International Cooperation?
                        3. #22 International Organizations:  Readings/Jigsaw/Review and Share
                          HOMEWORK: Group Verse Item #1 DUE 11/25 and WORK ON YOUR "WOW"
                          WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:    

                          Group Verse Item #1: ____11/25_____            Time Period Item #4: ____12/2___

                           Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8

                          FINAL DUE DATE 12/11

                          Thursday, November 20, 2014

                          FRIDAY 11/21

                          Be THANKFUL for your opportunities at STEM and in LIFE!   Everyday is a wonderful chance to understand the world, yourself and BE HAPPY!

                          HAVE OUT:  The Things They Carried, Vietnam Photo Analysis, Vietnam Protest Reading, Vietnam Protest Songs

                          WHY? : ID and EVALUATE the DETAILS  of how the VIETNAM war affected America. CREATE a mini-poster to teach others about these details.

                          PLAN OF THE DAY:
                          1. PADLET: ID and REVIEW:  How did the Vietnam War Affect America?
                          2. #19 How the Vietnam War Affected America?  (5 DETAILS)
                          3. #20 The Things WE Carry (shared with you)
                            HOMEWORK: Group Verse Item #1 DUE 11/25 and WORK ON YOUR "WOW"
                            WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:    

                            Group Verse Item #1: ____11/25_____            Time Period Item #4: ____12/2___

                             Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8

                            FINAL DUE DATE 12/11

                            Wednesday, November 19, 2014

                            THURSDAY 11/20

                            Be THANKFUL for your opportunities at STEM and in LIFE!   Everyday is a wonderful chance to understand the world, yourself and BE HAPPY!

                            HAVE OUT: WDSF: Task Sheet and WDSF History Through Song, WDSF Topic 3

                            WHY? :  ID, ANALYZE the CULTURAL, POLITICAL and ECONOMIC ideas and INDIVIDUALS of the 20th & 21st century. ID and EVALUATE how those ideas demonstrate CONFLICT and COOPERATION in the modern world.  

                            PLAN OF THE DAY: 
                            1. WDSF:  PROJECT TASK WORK DAY: you MUST SHARE your HW with me to earn CREDIT for your HARD WORK
                            • WDSF TOPIC # 3: Share/Comments/Edits with group AND ME for HW Credit
                            • WDSF GROUP VERSE:  Have you written and chosen your GROUP VERSE ITEM?
                            • WDSF WOW:  Have you created the documents/plans/ requirements?

                            WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:  

                            Group Verse Item #1: ____11/25_____            Time Period Item #4: ____12/2___

                             Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8

                            FINAL DUE DATE 12/11

                            Tuesday, November 18, 2014

                            WEDNESDAY 11/19

                            Be THANKFUL for your opportunities at STEM and in LIFE!   Everyday is a wonderful chance to understand the world, yourself and BE HAPPY!

                            HAVE OUT:  #17 CLOSE READING: Vietnam War Protest
                            WHY? : REVIEW, ID and EVALUATE DETAILS of VIETNAM WAR PROTESTS and ID, ANALYZE and EVALUATE music to understand VIETNAM WAR PROTEST

                            PLAN OF THE DAY:
                            1. PADLET: ID and EVALUATE: Why did MUHAMMAD ALI protest the war in VIETNAM?
                            2. #17 CLOSE READING: Vietnam Protest review QUIZ
                            3. #18 VIETNAM PROTEST SONGS (shared with you)
                              HOMEWORK: WDSF Time Period Item #3 DUE 11/20
                              WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:    Time Period Item #3: ___11/20___

                              Group Verse Item #1: ____11/25_____            Time Period Item #4: ____12/2___

                               Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8

                              FINAL DUE DATE 12/12

                              Monday, November 17, 2014

                              TUESDAY 11/18

                              Be THANKFUL for your opportunities at STEM and in LIFE!   Everyday is a wonderful chance to understand the world, yourself and BE HAPPY!

                              HAVE OUT:  #14 THE THINGS THEY CARRIED and #15 PHOTO ANALYSIS VIETNAM WAR
                              WHY? : REVIEW, ID and EVALUATE DETAILS and MAIN IDEAS of the VIETNAM WAR

                              PLAN OF THE DAY:
                              1. PADLET: What is the MOST DIFFICULT thing they "carried" in the Vietnam War and WHY?...
                              2. #15 Photo Analysis: Vietnam War (shared with you) 
                              3. Which image would cause THE MOST protest and WHY?  (3 Details)
                              4. #16 CRASH COURSE:  The Cold War in Asia (5 KNOW-5 NEW DETAILS)
                              5. #17 CLOSE READING: Vietnam War Protest
                                HOMEWORK:  CLOSE READING: VIETNAM WAR PROTEST 11/19 
                                WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:    Time Period Item #3: ___11/20___

                                Group Verse Item #1: ____11/25_____            Time Period Item #4: ____12/2___

                                 Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8

                                FINAL DUE DATE 12/12

                                Sunday, November 16, 2014

                                Monday 11/17

                                Be THANKFUL for your opportunities at STEM and in LIFE!   Everyday is a wonderful chance to understand the world, yourself and BE HAPPY!

                                HAVE OUT:  WOW check #1 items and #14 The Things They Carried: Vietnam War in Literature
                                WHY? : REVIEW, ID and EVALUATE DETAILS and MAIN IDEAS of the VIETNAM WAR

                                PLAN OF THE DAY:
                                1. PADLET: What are you doing for your WOW and WHY did you choose it?
                                2. WOW CHECK #1:  Design Process Conversation #1 (PAIR/SHARE/CONSULT)
                                3. #14 The Things They Carried:  Vietnam War in Literature: Continue.....
                                4. #15 Photo Analysis: Vietnam War (shared with you)
                                  HOMEWORK:  NONE
                                  WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:    Time Period Item #3: ___11/20___

                                  Group Verse Item #1: ____11/25_____            Time Period Item #4: ____12/2___

                                   Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8

                                  FINAL DUE DATE 12/12

                                  Thursday, November 13, 2014

                                  Friday 11/14

                                  Be THANKFUL this week for VETERANS and ALL THOSE WHO SERVE THE GREATER GOOD!
                                  HAVE OUT:  #12 Vietnam War History Article Close Reading
                                  WHY? : REVIEW, ID and EVALUATE DETAILS and MAIN IDEAS of the VIETNAM WAR

                                  PLAN OF THE DAY:
                                  1. PADLET: ID and EVALUATE:  Agree or Disagree with this quote and Why?
                                  2. BRAIN POP: ADD 10 Details to your CLOSE READING  
                                  3. #13 Vietnam War Close Reading Quiz; Google Form
                                  4. #14 The Things They Carried:  Vietnam War in Literature
                                    HOMEWORK:  ROUGH DRAFT Wow Check #1
                                    WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:
                                    Wow Check #1: ______11/17_____                Time Period Item #3: ___11/20___
                                    Group Verse Item #1: ____11/25_____            Time Period Item #4: ____12/2___

                                     Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8____/

                                    Wednesday, November 12, 2014

                                    Thursday 11/13

                                    Be THANKFUL this week for VETERANS and ALL THOSE WHO SERVE THE GREATER GOOD!
                                    HAVE OUT:  #11 TREATY of VERSAILLES Chart and SOAPstone
                                    WHY? : ID,  ID, EVALUATE and ANALYZE the EFFECT of the TREATY OF VERSAILLES & ID EVALUATE DETAILS and MAIN IDEAS of the VIETNAM WAR

                                    PLAN OF THE DAY:
                                    1. PADLET: ID and REVIEW: ID what DETAILS show this is the Treaty of Versailles and what does it INFER?
                                    2. #11 TREATY OF VERSAILLES:  EFFECTS Chart and SOAPStone (shared with you)
                                    3. VIETNAM WAR: Know? & Brain Pop Intro (10 and 10 details)
                                      HOMEWORK:  CLOSE READING(template shared with you) for VIETNAM WAR HISTORY ARTICLE
                                      WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:
                                      Wow Check #1: ______11/17_____                Time Period Item #3: ___11/20___
                                      Group Verse Item #1: ____11/25_____            Time Period Item #4: ____12/2___

                                       Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8____

                                      WEDNESDAY 11/12

                                      Be THANKFUL this week for VETERANS and ALL THOSE WHO SERVE THE GREATER GOOD!
                                      HAVE OUT:  Time Period Item #2
                                      WHY? : ID and EVALUATE peer writing samples, CREATE group verse, CONTINUE individuals tasks
                                      PLAN OF THE DAY: 
                                      1. PADLET:  ID and Evaluate: What/Who did you research for TOPIC #2 , are they CONFLICT/COOPERATION/BOTH and WHY?
                                      2. COOPERATION DIG IT:  Peer Review and Group Tasks Day
                                      3. WOW CHECK #1 : Written plan/rough draft
                                      4. GROUP VERSE SOURCE: Popular Mechanics: 110 Predictions for 110 years

                                        HOMEWORK: None
                                        WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:
                                        TIme Period Item #1: ______11/5___           Time Period Item #2: ____11/12___
                                        Wow Check #1: ______11/17_____                Time Period Item #3: ___11/20___
                                        Group Verse Item #1: ____11/25_____            Time Period Item #4: ____12/2___

                                         Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8____

                                        Sunday, November 9, 2014

                                        MONDAY 11/10

                                        Be THANKFUL this week for VETERANS and ALL THOSE WHO SERVE THE GREATER GOOD!
                                        HAVE OUT:  #10 CRASH COURSE WW1
                                        WHY? : ID,  REVIEW and EVALUATE CONDITIONS and EFFECTS of WW1 ID, EVALUATE and ANALYZE the EFFECT of the TREATY OF VERSAILLES

                                        PLAN OF THE DAY: 
                                        1. 1st PERIOD SURVEY
                                        2. PADLET:  REVIEW: What NEW interesting detail did you see in CRASH COURSE?
                                        3. #10 CRASH COURSE:  WW1 (shared with you) VIEW and REVIEW
                                        4. #11 TREATY OF VERSAILLES:  EFFECTS Chart and SOAPStone (shared with you)
                                          HOMEWORK:  TIME PERIOD ITEM #2
                                          WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:
                                          TIme Period Item #1: ______11/5___           Time Period Item #2: ____11/12___
                                          Wow Check #1: ______11/17_____                Time Period Item #3: ___11/20___
                                          Group Verse Item #1: ____11/25_____            Time Period Item #4: ____12/2___

                                           Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8____

                                          Thursday, November 6, 2014

                                          FRIDAY 11/7: EARLY RELEASE

                                          HAPPY FIRST WEEK OF NOVEMBER:  What are you THANKFUL for TODAY?  We have so much.....

                                          HAVE OUT:  EUROPE PLUNGES INTO WAR C29 S2 Section Review

                                          WHY? : ID,  REVIEW and EVALUATE CONDITIONS and EFFECTS of WW1
                                          PLAN OF THE DAY: 
                                          1. PADLET:  VIEW, ID and EVALUATE:  What are 2 DETAILS from this news report and WHY is this INTERESTING?  A Flood of Poppies in London
                                          2. #9 EUROPE PLUNGES INTO WAR: Review and Check 4,5,7,8,9
                                          3. #10 CRASH COURSE:  WW1 (shared with you)
                                            HOMEWORK:  TIME PERIOD ITEM #2
                                                                          GRADE REPORT SIGNATURE

                                            WDSF PROJECT DUE DATES:
                                            TIme Period Item #1: ______11/5___           Time Period Item #2: ____11/12___
                                            Wow Check #1: ______11/17_____                Time Period Item #3: ___11/20___
                                            Group Verse Item #1: ____11/25_____            Time Period Item #4: ____12/2___

                                             Group Verse Item #2: ______12/8_____          Wow Check #2: _12/8____

                                            THURSDAY 11/6

                                            HAPPY FIRST WEEK OF NOVEMBER:  What are you THANKFUL for TODAY?  We have so much.....

                                            HAVE OUT:  WDSF Folders and Documents

                                            WHY? :  ID, EVALUATE and CREATE GROUP VERSE, REVIEW and EVALUATE PEER WRITING
                                            PLAN OF THE DAY: 
                                            1. PADLET:  REVIEW and ID:  What was THE BEST feedback you received yesterday from your peers?
                                            2. #8  IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD vs SIGN OF THE TIMES
                                            3. WDSF:  GROUP VERSE: Example/ Review Directions and Work Time  WDSF 2013
                                            4. WDSF:  PEER REVIEW and EDIT
                                                                           EUROPE PLUNGES INTO WAR C29 Sec 2 SECTION REVIEW 11/7

                                              Tuesday, November 4, 2014

                                              WEDNESDAY 11/5

                                              HAPPY FIRST WEEK OF NOVEMBER:  What are you THANKFUL for TODAY?  We have so much.....

                                              HAVE OUT:  #7 Eyewitness to History and WDSF Topic #1 Documents

                                              WHY? :  REVIEW and JUDGE primary sources of WW1 and ANALYZE & EVALUATE TOPIC 1 WDSF
                                              PLAN OF THE DAY: 
                                              1. PADLET: ID and ANALYZE:  Which PRIMARY SOURCE did you read and WHAT did you think? and Why?
                                              2. COOPERATION:  "Dig It" Peer SHARE/COMMENT and REVIEW WDSF ITEM #1
                                              3. GROUP VERSE: Review Directions and Work Time
                                                                             WDSF TIME PERIOD ITEM #1 11/5
                                                                              EUROPE PLUNGES INTO WAR C29 Sec 2 SECTION REVIEW 11/7

                                                TUESDAY 11/4

                                                HAPPY FIRST WEEK OF NOVEMBER:  What are you THANKFUL for TODAY?  We have so much.....

                                                HAVE OUT: WDSF: Research for TOPIC 1 and MARCHING TOWARDS WAR C29 S1 SR

                                                WHY? :  ID and REVIEW TOPIC 1 WDSF and ID and ANALYZE the CONDITIONS, MOTIVATIONS and ACTIONS of WW1
                                                PLAN OF THE DAY: 
                                                1. PADLET: REVIEW:  What TOPIC did you research yesterday and is it AN EXAMPLE of CONFLICT/COOPERATION or BOTH and WHY
                                                2. #6 MARCHING TOWARDS WAR C29 S1 SR:  Conditions, Motivations and Actions Chart
                                                3. #7 WORLD WAR 1:  Eyewitness to History
                                                                                 WDSF TIME PERIOD ITEM #1 11/5
                                                                                  EUROPE PLUNGES INTO WAR C29 Sec 2 SECTION REVIEW 11/7

                                                    Sunday, November 2, 2014

                                                    MONDAY 11/3

                                                    HAPPY FIRST WEEK OF NOVEMBER:  What are you THANKFUL for TODAY?  We have so much.....

                                                    HAVE OUT: WDSF: Task Sheet and WDSF History Through Song

                                                    WHY? :  ID, ANALYZE the CULTURAL, POLITICAL and ECONOMIC ideas and INDIVIDUALS of the 20th & 21st century. ID and EVALUATE how those ideas demonstrate CONFLICT and COOPERATION in the modern world.  

                                                    PLAN OF THE DAY: 
                                                    1. WDSF:  PROJECT WORK DAY
                                                    • REVIEW TASKS for GROUP TRIFOLD: 5 paragraph essay, image, chart, source it, connect it
                                                    • TASK TIME:  Research, Keep track of Sources,  all info IN YOUR OWN VOICE and WORDS
                                                    • First Due Date  WED 11/5
                                                        HOMEWORK:  MARCHING TOWARDS WAR  C29 Sec 1 SECTION REVIEW 11/4
                                                                                     WDSF TIME PERIOD ITEM #1 11/5
                                                                                      EUROPE PLUNGES INTO WAR C29 Sec 2 SECTION REVIEW 11/7

                                                        Thursday, October 30, 2014

                                                        FRIDAY 10/31 HAPPY HALLOWEEN

                                                        HAPPY SPIRIT WEEK. I've got spirit yes I DO, I've got spirit HOW ABOUT YOU?

                                                        HAVE OUT: HW: Revolution Brings Reform and Terror and WDSF Task Sheet

                                                        WHY? : ID and EVALUATE the 5 W'S of the FRENCH REVOLUTION. ID and INVESTIGATE the TASKS of the WDSF Project

                                                        PLAN OF THE DAY: 
                                                        1. THINK PAIR SHARE : What kind of Halloween Costume would BEST SHOW the FRENCH REVOLUTION and WHY?
                                                        2. #6 REVOLUTION BRINGS REFORM and TERROR:  Reform vs Terror Chart
                                                        3. #3 WDSF PROJECT:  TASK REVIEW and WORK TIME
                                                            HOMEWORK:   Revolution Reform and Terror C23 S2 Section Review DUE 10/31

                                                            Wednesday, October 29, 2014

                                                            THURSDAY 10/30

                                                            HAPPY SPIRIT WEEK. I've got spirit yes I DO, I've got spirit HOW ABOUT YOU?

                                                            HAVE OUT: #4 Conflict and Cooperation Through Music

                                                            WHY? : ID and EVALUATE the 5 W'S of the FRENCH REVOLUTION. ID and INVESTIGATE the TASKS of the WDSF Project

                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY: 
                                                            1. PADLET:  AGREE or DISAGREE with this statement and WHY?
                                                            2. #5 FRENCH REVOLUTION BEGINS:  5 W'S
                                                            3. #3 WDSF PROJECT:  TASK overview
                                                                HOMEWORK:  French Revolution Begins C23 S1 Section Review DUE 10/30
                                                                                              Revolution Reform and Terror C23 S2 Section Review DUE 10/31

                                                                SPIRIT WEEK SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK!  GO BIG or GO HOME!

                                                                Monday: Nerd Day
                                                                Tuesday: Wacky Tacky Day (Neon colors, loud outfits that would never work out but are still worn)
                                                                Wednesday: Pink Out (It's breast cancer awareness month, everyone wear pink!)
                                                                Thursday: Support Your School (Support the pack, everyone wears state colors or state gear in general; STEM shirts can also be worn)
                                                                Friday: Costume Day (Halloween

                                                                Tuesday, October 28, 2014

                                                                WEDNESDAY 10/29

                                                                HAPPY SPIRIT WEEK. I've got spirit yes I DO, I've got spirit HOW ABOUT YOU?

                                                                HAVE OUT: #4 Conflict and Cooperation Through Music

                                                                WHY? :  ID and EVALUATE historical events/topics, mood and opinion in music of the modern world

                                                                PLAN OF THE DAY: 
                                                                1. PADLET:  REVIEW and EVALUATE:  What was the MOST INTERESTING LYRIC you heard yesterday and WHY?
                                                                2. #4 CONFLICT and COOPERATION THROUGH MUSIC: Let's Finish
                                                                3. #3 WDSF PROJECT:  History Through Song project overview
                                                                    HOMEWORK:  French Revolution Begins C23 S1 Section Review DUE 10/30
                                                                                                  Revolution Reform and Terror C23 S2 Section Review DUE 10/31

                                                                    SPIRIT WEEK SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK!  GO BIG or GO HOME!

                                                                    Monday: Nerd Day
                                                                    Tuesday: Wacky Tacky Day (Neon colors, loud outfits that would never work out but are still worn)
                                                                    Wednesday: Pink Out (It's breast cancer awareness month, everyone wear pink!)
                                                                    Thursday: Support Your School (Support the pack, everyone wears state colors or state gear in general; STEM shirts can also be worn)
                                                                    Friday: Costume Day (Halloween

                                                                    Monday, October 27, 2014

                                                                    TUESDAY 10/27

                                                                    HAPPY SPIRIT WEEK. I've got spirit yes I DO, I've got spirit HOW ABOUT YOU?

                                                                    HAVE OUT: Computer, Blog, Email

                                                                    WHY? :  ID and EVALUATE historical events/topics, mood and opinion in music of the modern world

                                                                    PLAN OF THE DAY: 
                                                                    1. PADLET:  ID and EVALUATE: What are the CONDITIONS, MOTIVATIONS and ACTIONS of this CONFLICT/COOPERATION?
                                                                    2. #3 WE DIDN'T START THE FIRE: PROJECT 
                                                                    • NC MUSEUM OF HISTORY LETTER
                                                                    • #4 CONFLICT and COOPERATION THROUGH MUSIC: Let's Practice
                                                                        HOMEWORK:  French Revolution Begins C23 S1 Section Review DUE 10/30
                                                                                                      Revolution Reform and Terror C23 S2 Section Review DUE 10/31

                                                                        SPIRIT WEEK SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK!  GO BIG or GO HOME!

                                                                        Monday: Nerd Day
                                                                        Tuesday: Wacky Tacky Day (Neon colors, loud outfits that would never work out but are still worn)
                                                                        Wednesday: Pink Out (It's breast cancer awareness month, everyone wear pink!)
                                                                        Thursday: Support Your School (Support the pack, everyone wears state colors or state gear in general; STEM shirts can also be worn)
                                                                        Friday: Costume Day (Halloween

                                                                        Sunday, October 26, 2014

                                                                        MONDAY 10/27

                                                                        HAPPY SPIRIT WEEK. I've got spirit yes I DO, I've got spirit HOW ABOUT YOU?

                                                                        HAVE OUT: #1 CONFLICT and COOPERATION Cornell Notes #2 KOREAN WAR WEBQUEST

                                                                        WHY? : ID and EVALUATE and ANALYZE the CONDITIONS, MOTIVATIONS and ACTIONS of CONFLICT and COOPERATION 

                                                                        EVALUATE and ANALYZE the CONFLICT and COOPERATION of the KOREAN WAR

                                                                        PLAN OF THE DAY: 
                                                                        1. PADLET:  How do YOU HAVE Conflict and Cooperation in YOUR OWN life?
                                                                        2.  WAR and UN BRAIN POP: ID the CONDITIONS, MOTIVATIONS, ACTIONS
                                                                        3. #1 CONFLICT and COOPERATION Check and Review
                                                                        4. KOREAN WAR BRAIN POP:  ID and UNDERLINE in your #2
                                                                        5. #2 KOREAN WAR WEBQUEST  Share and Review.
                                                                            HOMEWORK:  French Revolution Begins C23 S1 Section Review DUE 10/29
                                                                                                          Revolution Reform and Terror C23 S2 Section Review DUE 10/30

                                                                            SPIRIT WEEK SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK!  GO BIG or GO HOME!

                                                                            Monday: Nerd Day
                                                                            Tuesday: Wacky Tacky Day (Neon colors, loud outfits that would never work out but are still worn)
                                                                            Wednesday: Pink Out (It's breast cancer awareness month, everyone wear pink!)
                                                                            Thursday: Support Your School (Support the pack, everyone wears state colors or state gear in general; STEM shirts can also be worn)
                                                                            Friday: Costume Day (Halloween

                                                                            Thursday, October 23, 2014

                                                                            Friday 10/24

                                                                            HAPPY FALL IS HERE.  Hope you take a "cool" opportunity and head to the State Fair. IT is really on of the grandest human shows of all time!

                                                                            HAVE OUT: #2 KOREAN WAR WEBQUEST (it was shared in GOOGLE DOCS with YOU)

                                                                            WHY? : ID and EVALUATE and ANALYZE the CONFLICT and COOPERATION of the KOREAN WAR

                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY: 
                                                                            1. #2 KOREAN WAR WEBQUEST (shared with you)  
                                                                            • MAKE A COPY of the GOOGLE DOC "KOREAN WAR WEBQUEST" 
                                                                            • FOLLOW the DIRECTIONS to complete the activity INDIVIDUALLY
                                                                            • DUE MONDAY 10/27
                                                                              HOMEWORK:  Complete #2 KOREAN WAR WEBQUEST  DUE 10/27

                                                                              SPIRIT WEEK SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK!  GO BIG or GO HOME!

                                                                              Monday: Nerd Day
                                                                              Tuesday: Wacky Tacky Day (Neon colors, loud outfits that would never work out but are still worn)
                                                                              Wednesday: Pink Out (It's breast cancer awareness month, everyone wear pink!)
                                                                              Thursday: Support Your School (Support the pack, everyone wears state colors or state gear in general; STEM shirts can also be worn)
                                                                              Friday: Costume Day (Halloween

                                                                              Wednesday, October 22, 2014

                                                                              Thursday 10/23

                                                                              HAPPY FALL IS HERE.  Hope you take a "cool" opportunity and head to the State Fair. IT is really on of the grandest human shows of all time!

                                                                              HAVE OUT: #1 Cornell Notes for CONFLICT and COOPERATION READING

                                                                              WHY? : ID and EVALUATE and ANALYZE the CONDITIONS, MOTIVATIONS and ACTIONS of CONFLICT and COOPERATION

                                                                              PLAN OF THE DAY: I will be chaperoning a trip to NCSTATE for 1 and 3rd periods.  This work is to be completed under the watchful eye of Mr Burgess.  For those of you attending the FIELD TRIP, I will give you the CHART to complete for HOMEWORK

                                                                              1. CONFLICT and COOPERATION INTRO:  ID CONFLICT & COOPERATION
                                                                              2. #1 CONFLICT and COOPERATION:  Using Your CORNELL NOTES ONLY compete the provided chart.  This is a QUIZ grade and should be done INDIVIDUALLY.  Turn in to Mr. Burgess when complete.
                                                                              3. #2 KOREAN WAR WEBQUEST (shared with you)  Make a copy and begin this activity...
                                                                                HOMEWORK: #1 Conflict and Cooperation Chart Quiz (IF you were ON THE FIELD TRIP.

                                                                                Tuesday, October 21, 2014

                                                                                Wednesday 10/22

                                                                                HAPPY FALL IS HERE.  Hope you take a "cool" opportunity and head to the State Fair. IT is really on of the grandest human shows of all time!

                                                                                HAVE OUT: #10 KOREA: A LAND DIVIDED (Articles, Close Readings and Task)

                                                                                WHY? : ID and EVALUATE and COMPARE the POLITICS and ACHIEVEMENT of a nation or state
                                                                                PLAN OF THE DAY:
                                                                                1. PADLET RESPONSE: ID and REVIEW: Is NORTH KOREA a threat to world peace?  Yes/No and Why?
                                                                                2. #10 KOREA A LAND DIVIDED:  
                                                                                • REVIEW and SHARE STEP 5
                                                                                • INSIDE NORTH KOREA:  Review and Complete
                                                                                  HOMEWORK: Complete CORNELL NOTES for READING #1 CONFLICT and COOPERATION pgs 1-4 (emailed to you)  You will compete pgs 5-7 in class on Thursday

                                                                                  TUESDAY 10/21

                                                                                  HAPPY FALL IS HERE.  Hope you take a "cool" opportunity and head to the State Fair. IT is really on of the grandest human shows of all time!

                                                                                  HAVE OUT: #10 KOREA: A LAND DIVIDED (Articles, Close Readings and Task)

                                                                                  WHY? : ID and EVALUATE and COMPARE the POLITICS and ACHIEVEMENT of a nation or state

                                                                                  PLAN OF THE DAY:

                                                                                  1. PADLET RESPONSE:CHOOSE 1  ID and EVALUATE: What are 5 Details in the image and HOW does it make you feel?
                                                                                  2. #10 KOREA: A LAND DIVIDED
                                                                                  • SHARE/COMPARE and CHECK Close Reading 2 INSIDE NORTH KOREA
                                                                                  • BEGIN: National Geographic: Inside North Korea
                                                                                    HOMEWORK:  STEP 5 COMPLETE FOR HOMEWORK

                                                                                    Sunday, October 19, 2014

                                                                                    Monday 10/20

                                                                                    HAPPY FALL IS HERE.  Hope you take a "cool" opportunity and head to the State Fair. IT is really on of the grandest human shows of all time!

                                                                                    HAVE OUT: #10 KOREA: A LAND DIVIDED (Article, Close Reading and Task)

                                                                                    WHY? : ID and EVALUATE and COMPARE the POLITICS and ACHIEVEMENT of a nation or state

                                                                                    PLAN OF THE DAY:

                                                                                    1. PADLET RESPONSE: CHOOSE 1  ID and CONNECT:  What does this image tell us about Korea today?
                                                                                    2. #10 KOREA: A LAND DIVIDED
                                                                                    • SHARE/COMPARE and CHECK Close Reading 1 EDUCATION AND VISION
                                                                                    • KWL Chart, COMPLETE and SHARE
                                                                                    • STEP 3 & 4 COMPLETE
                                                                                    • BEGIN: Close Reading 2
                                                                                       #10 KOREA: A LAND DIVIDED: CLOSE READING #2 INSIDE NORTH KOREA

                                                                                      Thursday, October 16, 2014

                                                                                      Friday 10/17 EARLY RELEASE

                                                                                      YES!  A new WEEK, A new QUARTER and a new START!  Keep doing those things you do well and stop with those negative actions.....LEAVE the BAD behind and give a BIG HUG to the PRESENT GOOD!

                                                                                      HAVE OUT: #9 To Frack or Not To Frack: That is the Question?

                                                                                      WHY? Review POLITICS and BELIEFS through TIME,   ID,EVALUATE and CREATE an understanding of POLITICAL DECISIONS  in contemporary issues.

                                                                                      PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                      1. #9 TO FRACK OR NOT TO FRACK: That is the question
                                                                                      • DEBATE COMPLETE (pd 1 and 3)
                                                                                      • EXIT TICKET:  Summary Paragraph:  Frack or No Frack? (8 sent.)  3 detailed examples please
                                                                                         #10 KOREA: A LAND DIVIDED 
                                                                                        CLOSE READING #1 EDUCATION AND VISION: At the Heart of South Korea's Education Miracle  The FILE has been shared with you.  COMPLETE ALL PARTS OF CLOSE READING DOCUMENT

                                                                                        Wednesday, October 15, 2014

                                                                                        Thursday 10/15

                                                                                        YES!  A new WEEK, A new QUARTER and a new START!  Keep doing those things you do well and stop with those negative actions.....LEAVE the BAD behind and give a BIG HUG to the PRESENT GOOD!

                                                                                        HAVE OUT: #9 To Frack or Not To Frack: That is the Question? and GOOGLE PRESENTATION DEBATE IMAGES

                                                                                        WHY? Review POLITICS and BELIEFS through TIME,   ID,EVALUATE and CREATE an understanding of POLITICAL DECISIONS  in contemporary issues.

                                                                                        PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                        1. PADLET:  EVALUATE:  What lesson can this image teach us about debates?
                                                                                        2. #9 TO FRACK OR NOT TO FRACK: That is the question.
                                                                                        • REVIEW DEBATE FORMAT (Debate Boxing)
                                                                                        • 10 MINUTE PREP ( SHARE PRESENTATION with ME, review ARGUMENTS/DATA)
                                                                                        • DEBATE IT UP 
                                                                                        • EXIT TICKET:  Summary Paragraph:  Frack or No Frack?  3 detailed examples please
                                                                                                                       DEBATE IT ( PRESENTATION DRESS,  GOOGLE PRESENTATION, ARGUMENTS) 10/16

                                                                                          Tuesday, October 14, 2014

                                                                                          Wednesday 10/15

                                                                                          YES!  A new WEEK, A new QUARTER and a new START!  Keep doing those things you do well and stop with those negative actions.....LEAVE the BAD behind and give a BIG HUG to the PRESENT GOOD!

                                                                                          HAVE OUT: #9 To Frack or Not To Frack: That is the Question?

                                                                                          WHY? Review POLITICS and BELIEFS through TIME,   ID,EVALUATE and CREATE an understanding of POLITICAL DECISIONS  in contemporary issues.

                                                                                          PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                          1. PADLET:  ID and EVALUATE:  Is FRACKING legal in PENNSYLVANIA?  Yes or No and WHY?
                                                                                          2. #9 TO FRACK OR NOT TO FRACK: That is the question.  OUT to check and USE,
                                                                                          • CREATE IT (arguments/shared images/ FACTS, FACTS, FACTS/ presentations) 
                                                                                          • DEBATE BOXING shared with you
                                                                                          • GOOGLE PRESENTATION IMAGES for EACH ARGUMENT
                                                                                          • WILDCARD?  
                                                                                            HOMEWORK:  Complete Evaluate it (5 sources) 10/14
                                                                                                                         Complete Create It (10 arguments chart) 10/15
                                                                                                                         DEBATE IT (IMAGES, STATEMENTS) 10/16

                                                                                            Monday, October 13, 2014

                                                                                            Tuesday 10/14

                                                                                            YES!  A new WEEK, A new QUARTER and a new START!  Keep doing those things you do well and stop with those negative actions.....LEAVE the BAD behind and give a BIG HUG to the PRESENT GOOD!

                                                                                            HAVE OUT: #9 To Frack or Not To Frack: That is the Question?

                                                                                            WHY? Review POLITICS and BELIEFS through TIME,   ID,EVALUATE and CREATE an understanding of POLITICAL DECISIONS  in contemporary issues.

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. PADLET:  ID and CONNECT:  LOOKING at your EVALUATE IT HOMEWORK, choose a cartoon. Is it PRO or CON and what FACT supports it.
                                                                                            2. #9 TO FRACK OR NOT TO FRACK: That is the question.  OUT to check and USE,
                                                                                            HOMEWORK:  Complete Evaluate it (5 sources) 10/14
                                                                                                                         Complete Create It (10 arguments chart) 10/15
                                                                                                                         DEBATE IT (IMAGES, STATEMENTS) 10/16

                                                                                            Sunday, October 12, 2014

                                                                                            MONDAY 10/13

                                                                                            YES!  A new WEEK, A new QUARTER and a new START!  Keep doing those things you do well and stop with those negative actions.....LEAVE the BAD behind and give a BIG HUG to the PRESENT GOOD!

                                                                                            HAVE OUT: Computer device thingy machine...

                                                                                            WHY? Review POLITICS and BELIEFS through TIME,   ID,EVALUATE and CREATE an understanding of POLITICAL DECISIONS  in contemporary issues.

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. PADLET:  ID and EVALUATE:  Columbus Day?  Yes or No and Why?
                                                                                            2. KAHOOT IT:  Get READY TO PLAY
                                                                                            3. #9 To Frack or Not to Frack: That is the Question?, Emailed, Copy it, Use it.  
                                                                                            HOMEWORK:  Complete Evaluate it (5 sources) 10/14
                                                                                                                         Complete Create It (10 arguments chart and Presentation) 10/15

                                                                                            Tuesday, October 7, 2014

                                                                                            WEDNESDAY 10/8

                                                                                            Be ENLIGHTENED and SUCCESSFUL this week with your #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO DUE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8th E.O.C.

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:    #8 HOMEWORK ( DEMOCRACY)

                                                                                            WHY?  ID, ANALYZE and EVALUATE the GROWTH, CHANGE and LASTING IMPACT of POLITICAL and RELIGIOUS BELIEF systems through time….

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. PADLET: ID and EVALUATE.  Which quote do you AGREE with and WHY?
                                                                                            2. CLIPS to ADD:  PROS of Democracy   CONS of Democracy
                                                                                            3. .#8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO:  GOOGLE FOLDER (your name first, then assignment name)  KAHOOT (shared with bagdrew, KAHOOT user name in your FOLDER) TIMELINE (email yourself PDF, place in GDoc)  MAP (place link in Gdoc titled MAP)
                                                                                            HOMEWORK:   #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO
                                                                                            DUE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8th  E.O.C

                                                                                            1. DEMOCRACY: 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS  C35 PGS 1033 to 1044 10/8

                                                                                            Monday, October 6, 2014

                                                                                            TUESDAY 10/7

                                                                                            Be ENLIGHTENED and SUCCESSFUL this week with your #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO DUE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8th E.O.C.

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:    #8 HOMEWORK ( FASCISM IN EUROPE)

                                                                                            WHY?  ID, ANALYZE and EVALUATE the GROWTH, CHANGE and LASTING IMPACT of POLITICAL and RELIGIOUS BELIEF systems through time….

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. PADLET: ID and EVALUATE: How does this image show 2 of the 4 CHARACTERISTICS of FASCISM? (be sure to use your homework)
                                                                                            2. CLIPS to ADD: FASCISM and MUSSOLINI and ADOLF HITLER
                                                                                            3. FASCISM in EUROPE:  Check, correct and add S3 5,6,8
                                                                                            4. .#8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO:  ANNOTATE B and P as YOU ANSWER.  CHOOSE your HAVE FUN WITH IT
                                                                                            HOMEWORK:   #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO
                                                                                            DUE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8th  E.O.C

                                                                                            1. UNIFICATION OF CHINA: C4 PGS 104-109 SECTION ASSESSMENT 9/29
                                                                                            2. WARRING CITY STATES C5 PGS 127-139 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 9/30
                                                                                            3. THE ROMAN REPUBLIC/EMPIRE   C6 PGS 155-165 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 10/1
                                                                                            4. THE MUSLIM WORLD C10 PGS 261-268 SECTION ASSESSMENT 10/2
                                                                                            5. SPAIN’S EMPIRE/ABSOLUTISM   C 21 PGS 588-602 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 10/3
                                                                                            6. THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN EUROPE 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS C22 PGS 629-639 10/6
                                                                                            7. FASCISM IN EUROPE: SECTION ASSESSMENT C31  PGS 910-914 10/7
                                                                                            8. DEMOCRACY: 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS  C35 PGS 1033 to 1044 10/8

                                                                                            Friday, October 3, 2014

                                                                                            Monday 10/6

                                                                                            Be ENLIGHTENED and SUCCESSFUL this week with your #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO DUE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8th E.O.C.

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:    #8 HOMEWORK ( THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN EUROPE)

                                                                                            WHY?  ID, ANALYZE and EVALUATE the GROWTH, CHANGE and LASTING IMPACT of POLITICAL and RELIGIOUS BELIEF systems through time….

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. PADLET: ID and EVALUATE How does this image show THE ENLIGHTENMENT?
                                                                                            2. CLIPS to ADD: Scientific Revolution and How Do You Know You Exist?
                                                                                            3. THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN EUROPE: Share, Check and ADD  S2 3,5,8 & S3 3,5,8
                                                                                            4. .#8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO:  ANNOTATE B and P as YOU ANSWER.  CHOOSE your HAVE FUN WITH IT
                                                                                            HOMEWORK:   #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO
                                                                                            DUE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8th  E.O.C

                                                                                            1. UNIFICATION OF CHINA: C4 PGS 104-109 SECTION ASSESSMENT 9/29
                                                                                            2. WARRING CITY STATES C5 PGS 127-139 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 9/30
                                                                                            3. THE ROMAN REPUBLIC/EMPIRE   C6 PGS 155-165 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 10/1
                                                                                            4. THE MUSLIM WORLD C10 PGS 261-268 SECTION ASSESSMENT 10/2
                                                                                            5. SPAIN’S EMPIRE/ABSOLUTISM   C 21 PGS 588-602 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 10/3
                                                                                            6. THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN EUROPE 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS C22 PGS 629-639 10/6
                                                                                            7. FASCISM IN EUROPE: SECTION ASSESSMENT C31  PGS 910-916 10/7
                                                                                            8. DEMOCRACY: 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS  C35 PGS 1033 to 1044 10/8

                                                                                            Thursday, October 2, 2014

                                                                                            FRIDAY 10/3

                                                                                            Be ENLIGHTENED this week with your #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:    #8 HOMEWORK ( SPAIN'S EMPIRE/ABSOLUTISM)

                                                                                            WHY?  ID, ANALYZE and EVALUATE the GROWTH, CHANGE and LASTING IMPACT of POLITICAL and RELIGIOUS BELIEF systems through time….

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. PADLET: How does  LOUIS XIV's PORTRAIT show POWER?
                                                                                            2. CLIPS to ADD: VERSAILLES:  How did VERSAILLES show the POWER and CONTROL of an ABSOLUTE MONARCH?
                                                                                            3. SPAINS EMPIRE/ABSOLUTISM: Share, Check and ADD  S1 # 5,6,7 and S2 # 3,6,8 
                                                                                            4. .#8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO:  ANNOTATE B and P as YOU ANSWER.  How to make a TIME LINE?
                                                                                            HOMEWORK:   #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO
                                                                                            1. UNIFICATION OF CHINA: C4 PGS 104-109 SECTION ASSESSMENT 9/29
                                                                                            2. WARRING CITY STATES C5 PGS 127-139 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 9/30
                                                                                            3. THE ROMAN REPUBLIC/EMPIRE   C6 PGS 155-165 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 10/1
                                                                                            4. THE MUSLIM WORLD C10 PGS 261-268 SECTION ASSESSMENT 10/2
                                                                                            5. SPAIN’S EMPIRE/ABSOLUTISM   C 21 PGS 588-602 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 10/3
                                                                                            6. THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN EUROPE 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS C22 PGS 629-639 10/6
                                                                                            7. FASCISM IN EUROPE: SECTION ASSESSMENT C31  PGS 910-916 10/7
                                                                                            8. DEMOCRACY: 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS  C35 PGS 1033 to 1044 10/8

                                                                                            Wednesday, October 1, 2014

                                                                                            THURSDAY 10/2

                                                                                            THURSDAY 10/2

                                                                                            Be ENLIGHTENED this week with your #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:    #8 HOMEWORK ( THE MUSLIM WORLD)

                                                                                            WHY?  ID, ANALYZE and EVALUATE the GROWTH, CHANGE and LASTING IMPACT of POLITICAL and RELIGIOUS BELIEF systems through time….

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. PADLET: How do the 5 PILLARS of ISLAM compare to the BELIEFS of other world Religions?
                                                                                            2. CLIPS to ADD: CRASH COURSE: Islam and the Quran.  ADD 5
                                                                                            3. MUSLIM WORLD : Share, Check and Add 5,6,7
                                                                                            4.  INFO to ADD: Christianity and Islam Compared. ID what 3 BELIEFS are the SAME?
                                                                                            5. .#8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO:  ANNOTATE B and P as YOU ANSWER.  How to make a VENN DIAGRAM?
                                                                                            HOMEWORK:   #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO
                                                                                            1. UNIFICATION OF CHINA: C4 PGS 104-109 SECTION ASSESSMENT 9/29
                                                                                            2. WARRING CITY STATES C5 PGS 127-139 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 9/30
                                                                                            3. THE ROMAN REPUBLIC/EMPIRE   C6 PGS 155-165 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 10/1
                                                                                            4. THE MUSLIM WORLD C10 PGS 261-268 SECTION ASSESSMENT 10/2
                                                                                            5. SPAIN’S EMPIRE/ABSOLUTISM   C 21 PGS 588-602 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 10/3
                                                                                            6. THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN EUROPE 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS C22 PGS 629-639 10/6
                                                                                            7. FASCISM IN EUROPE: SECTION ASSESSMENT C31  PGS 910-916 10/7
                                                                                            8. DEMOCRACY: 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS  C35 PGS 1033 to 1044 10/8

                                                                                            Tuesday, September 30, 2014

                                                                                            WEDNESDAY 10/1

                                                                                            WEDNESDAY 10/1

                                                                                            Be ENLIGHTENED this week with your #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:    #8 HOMEWORK ( ROMAN REPUBLIC/EMPIRE)

                                                                                            WHY?  ID, ANALYZE and EVALUATE the GROWTH, CHANGE and LASTING IMPACT of POLITICAL and RELIGIOUS BELIEF systems through time….

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. PADLET:  Why is this quote PERFECT for the ROMAN EMPIRE?  What did they create? and Why?     Ancient Rome in Google Earth
                                                                                            2. CLIPS to ADD:  Roman Teenager  ADD 5 BELIEFS
                                                                                            3. ROMAN REPUBLIC/EMPIRE: Share, Check and Add S1 # 3,6,7 and S2 3,5,8
                                                                                            4. .#8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO:  ANNOTATE B and P as YOU ANSWER.  HOW TO USE THE INTERACTIVE MAP
                                                                                            HOMEWORK:   #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO
                                                                                            1. UNIFICATION OF CHINA: C4 PGS 104-109 SECTION ASSESSMENT 9/29
                                                                                            2. WARRING CITY STATES C5 PGS 127-139 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 9/30
                                                                                            3. THE ROMAN REPUBLIC/EMPIRE   C6 PGS 155-165 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 10/1
                                                                                            4. THE MUSLIM WORLD C10 PGS 261-268 SECTION ASSESSMENT 10/2
                                                                                            5. SPAIN’S EMPIRE/ABSOLUTISM   C 21 PGS 588-602 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 10/3
                                                                                            6. THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN EUROPE 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS C22 PGS 629-639 10/6
                                                                                            7. FASCISM IN EUROPE: SECTION ASSESSMENT C31  PGS 910-916 10/7
                                                                                            8. DEMOCRACY: 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS  C35 PGS 1033 to 1044 10/8

                                                                                            Monday, September 29, 2014

                                                                                            TUESDAY 9/30

                                                                                            TUESDAY 9/30

                                                                                            Be ENLIGHTENED this week with your #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:    #8 HOMEWORK ( Warring City States SA)

                                                                                            WHY?  ID, ANALYZE and EVALUATE the GROWTH, CHANGE and LASTING IMPACT of POLITICAL and RELIGIOUS BELIEF systems through time….

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. PADLET:  CHOOSE!  Would you live in SPARTA or ATHENS and WHY?
                                                                                            2. WARRING CITY STATES: (COMPARE, CHECK and CORRECT) S2 #3,4,7 and S3 # 3,5,8
                                                                                            3. VENN DIAGRAM:  Athens vs Sparta POLITICS and BELIEFS
                                                                                            4. .#8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO:  ANNOTATE B and P as YOU ANSWER.   TASK TIME
                                                                                            HOMEWORK:   #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO
                                                                                            1. UNIFICATION OF CHINA: C4 PGS 104-109 SECTION ASSESSMENT 9/29
                                                                                            2. WARRING CITY STATES C5 PGS 127-139 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 9/30
                                                                                            3. THE ROMAN REPUBLIC/EMPIRE   C6 PGS 155-165 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 10/1
                                                                                            4. THE MUSLIM WORLD C10 PGS 261-268 SECTION ASSESSMENT 10/2
                                                                                            5. SPAIN’S EMPIRE/ABSOLUTISM   C 21 PGS 588-602 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 10/2
                                                                                            6. THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN EUROPE 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS C22 PGS 629-639 10/3
                                                                                            7. FASCISM IN EUROPE: SECTION ASSESSMENT C31  PGS 910-916 10/6
                                                                                            8. DEMOCRACY: 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS  C35 PGS 1033 to 1044 10/6

                                                                                            Friday, September 26, 2014

                                                                                            MONDAY 9/29

                                                                                            Be ENLIGHTENED this week with your #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:   #6 B,D, C Character Collage NOTES and #7 What was Yoda? and #8 HOMEWORK (Unification of China Section Review)

                                                                                            WHY?  ID and APPLY B,D,C to analyze character,  &  ID, ANALYZE and EVALUATE the GROWTH, CHANGE and LASTING IMPACT POLITICAL and RELIGIOUS BELIEF systems through time….

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. PADLET:  Which PHYSICAL characteristic BEST shows that Yoda could be a DAOIST and WHY?
                                                                                            2. #7 What was Yoda?  ID, APPLY B,D,C to ANALYZE character
                                                                                            3. .#8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO:  Overview of directions/task time
                                                                                            HOMEWORK:   #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO
                                                                                            1. UNIFICATION OF CHINA: C4 PGS 104-109 SECTION ASSESSMENT 9/29
                                                                                            2. WARRING CITY STATES C5 PGS 127-139 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 9/30
                                                                                            3. THE ROMAN REPUBLIC/EMPIRE   C6 PGS 155-165 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 10/1
                                                                                            4. THE MUSLIM WORLD C10 PGS 261-268 SECTION ASSESSMENT 10/2
                                                                                            5. SPAIN’S EMPIRE/ABSOLUTISM   C 21 PGS 588-602 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS 10/2
                                                                                            6. THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN EUROPE 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS C22 PGS 629-639 10/3
                                                                                            7. FASCISM IN EUROPE: SECTION ASSESSMENT C31  PGS 910-916 10/6
                                                                                            8. DEMOCRACY: 2 SECTION ASSESSMENTS  C35 PGS 1033 to 1044 10/6

                                                                                            Friday 9/26

                                                                                            I hope you are in KAHOOTS with your success this WEEK!

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:   #6 B,D, C Character Collage Readings, Directions and Collage and #8 BELIEF SYSTEMS KAHOOT (if you were here on Thursday)

                                                                                            WHY?  ID, ANALYZE AND CONSTRUCT UNDERSTANDING OF WORLD BELIEF SYSTEMS

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. KAHOOT: Who Wants to Kahoot? Quick Review Time
                                                                                            2. #6  B,D,C Character Collage Task Time (15)  REVIEW task, ANALYZE completion
                                                                                            3. #6 B,D,C Character Collage Presentations Notes (MAIN IDEAS, VOCAB, 1 QUOTE PARAPHRASE)
                                                                                            4. #7 What was Yoda?  ID, APPLY B,D,C to ANALYZE character.
                                                                                            HOMEWORK:  BEGIN ID SECTION of #8 BELIEF and POLITICS THROUGH TIME PORTFOLIO

                                                                                            1. UNIFICATION OF CHINA: C4 PGS 104-109 SECTION REVIEW 9/29
                                                                                            2. WARRING CITY STATES C5 PGS 127-139 SECTION REVIEW 9/30
                                                                                            3. THE ROMAN REPUBLIC/EMPIRE   C6 PGS 155-165 SECTION REVIEW 10/1
                                                                                            4. THE MUSLIM WORLD C10 PGS 261-268 SECTION REVIEW 10/2
                                                                                            5. SPAIN’S EMPIRE/ABSOLUTISM   C 21 PGS 588-602 SECTION REVIEW 10/3
                                                                                            6. THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN EUROPE SECTION REVIEWC 22 PGS 629-639 10/6
                                                                                            7. FASCISM IN EUROPE: SECTION REVIEW C31  PGS 910-916
                                                                                            8. DEMOCRACY: SECTION REVIEW  C35 PGS 1033 to 1044

                                                                                            Thursday, September 25, 2014

                                                                                            THURSDAY 9/25

                                                                                            I hope you have a successful week of BELIEFS and POLITICS!

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:  #5 World Religions Chart   #6 B,D, C Character Collage Readings and directions

                                                                                            WHY?  ID, ANALYZE AND CONSTRUCT UNDERSTANDING OF WORLD BELIEF SYSTEMS

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. #8  BELIEF SYSTEMS KAHOOT:  ID and CREATE a 5 QUESTION QUIZ for your classmates
                                                                                            2. #6  B,D,C Character Collage Task Time
                                                                                            #6 B, D, C Character Collage DUE FRIDAY 9/26

                                                                                            Tuesday, September 23, 2014

                                                                                            Wednesday 9/24

                                                                                            Wednesday 9/24

                                                                                            I hope you have a successful week of BELIEFS and POLITICS!

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:    #5 World Religions Chart/Xmind Presentations and #6 B,D, C Character Collage Readings

                                                                                            WHY?  ID, ANALYZE AND CONSTRUCT UNDERSTANDING OF WORLD BELIEF SYSTEMS

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. PADLET RESPONSE: Quote Response
                                                                                            2. #5 World Religions Chart and Xmind Presentations
                                                                                            3. #6 B, D, C Character Collage READINGS and COLLAGE
                                                                                            #6 B, D, C Character Collage DUE FRIDAY 9/26

                                                                                            Monday, September 22, 2014

                                                                                            Tuesday 9/23

                                                                                            TUESDAY 9/23

                                                                                            I hope you have a successful week of BELIEFS and POLITICS!

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:    #5 World Religions Chart and LATE GRADE REPORTS

                                                                                            WHY?  ID, ANALYZE and CONSTRUCT understanding of World belief systems

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. PADLET RESPONSE:  React to the song "Dear God"(lyrics were EMAILED to you) Choose and answer 2 options
                                                                                            2. #5 World Religions Chart and Xmind Presentations
                                                                                            3. #6 B, D, C Character Collage READINGS
                                                                                            #5 Xmind Presentations Completed    
                                                                                            #6 B,D,C Charter Collage Pre Reading Article I will assign

                                                                                            Sunday, September 21, 2014

                                                                                            Monday 9/22

                                                                                            I hope you have a successful week of BELIEFS and POLITICS!

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:    #5 World Religions Chart and GRADE REPORT

                                                                                            WHY?  ID and BUILD BELIEF SYSTEMS UNDERSTANDING  & ID AND EVALUATE WHERE AND WHY OF BELIEFS

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. PADLET RESPONSE:  How did you see BELIEFS or POLITICS this weekend? 
                                                                                            2. #4 HEADLINES: Where and Why of  Beliefs
                                                                                            3. TED:  Year of Living Biblically :  What LAWS give him trouble and how do his BELIEFS change?
                                                                                            4. Task Time:  #5 WORLD RELIGIONS CHART
                                                                                                  #5 WORLD RELIGIONS CHART

                                                                                            Friday, September 19, 2014

                                                                                            FRIDAY 9/19

                                                                                            HAPPY COOL and WONDERFUL WEEK:  I hope you "fall" for the nice weather and you are "COOL" with your success on the test

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:  #3 Where and Why of Beliefs (article notes  from last night)

                                                                                            WHY?  APPLY and EVALUATE POLITICS  & ID and EVALUATE Where and why of beliefs

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. PADLET RESPONSE:  ID and EVALUATE the POLITICS of 1 of the CARTOONS (W, W, W, H) and WHAT IS YOUR OPINION?  
                                                                                            2. #4 HEADLINES: Where and Why of  Beliefs
                                                                                            3. TED:  Year of Living Biblically :  What LAWS give him trouble and how do his BELIEFS change?
                                                                                             complete HALF of the # 5 WORLD RELIGIONS CHART 9/22
                                                                                            Grade Report 9/22

                                                                                            Wednesday, September 17, 2014

                                                                                            THURSDAY 9/18

                                                                                            HAPPY COOL and WONDERFUL WEEK:  I hope you "fall" for the nice weather and you are "COOL" with your success on the test

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:  #1 WHERE AM I?  Beliefs and Political Systems

                                                                                            WHY?  ID and Evaluate politics,  ID and Evaluate Belief Systems

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. UNIT #1  Organize and Save it
                                                                                            2. UNIT #2 BELIEF and POLITICAL SYSTEMS 
                                                                                            3. #1 WHERE AM I?: Beliefs and Political Systems.
                                                                                            4. PADLET RESPONSE:  NO NAME: AGREE or DISAGREE with your RESULTS or share QUESTIONS or CONFUSIONS 
                                                                                            5. #2 WHAT IS POLITICS?  ID and EVALUATE POLITICS
                                                                                             READ and CREATE CORNELL NOTES for ONE of the 3 ARTICLES BELOW.  Teacher Assigns
                                                                                            1.Some Theories on the Origin of Religion
                                                                                            2.Why Do We Need Religion?
                                                                                            3.The Birth of Religion

                                                                                            Tuesday, September 16, 2014

                                                                                            WEDNESDAY 9/17

                                                                                            HAPPY COOL and WONDERFUL WEEK:  I hope you "fall" for the nice weather and you are "COOL" and successful on the test today

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:  #24 UNIT 1 CULTURE and CIVILIZATION TEST REVIEW & Paper/Pencil

                                                                                            WHY?  JUDGE and EVALUATE your LEVEL of SUCCESS with UNIT 1

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. #24 UNIT 1 CULTURE and CIVILIZATION TEST REVIEW: PRINT OUT
                                                                                            2. #25 UNIT 1 CULTURE and CIVILIZATION TEST
                                                                                            • Online (Moodle) Old School Paper
                                                                                            • Compete STAPLE your PAPER TEST on top of your PARAGRAPH on top of your REVIEW SHEET and PLACE IT IN TURN IN TRAY
                                                                                            1. UNIT #2 BELIEF and POLITICAL SYSTEMS 
                                                                                            2. #1 WHERE AM I?: Beliefs and Political System. RECORD your results and ONE QUESTION that SURPRISED YOU and ONE THAT CONFUSED YOU
                                                                                             #1 WHERE AM I?  Beliefs and Political Systems

                                                                                            Monday, September 15, 2014

                                                                                            TUESDAY 9/16

                                                                                            HAPPY COOL and WONDERFUL WEEK:  I hope you "fall" for the nice weather

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:  #24 UNIT 1 CULTURE and CIVILIZATION TEST REVIEW

                                                                                            WHY?  ID, REVIEW,  EVALUATE AND PREPARE FOR UNIT 1 TEST

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. #24 UNIT 1 CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION TEST REVIEW
                                                                                            • I HAVE/WHO HAS: ID and REVIEW VOCAB
                                                                                            • CRASH COURSE:  Review and Evaluate  (5 topics you NEED TO KNOW)
                                                                                            • TASK TIME:  Cooperate, Share, Compare review sheet answers  
                                                                                             #24 UNIT 1 CULTURE and CIVILIZATION TEST REVIEW DUE 9/17
                                                                                            #24 UNIT 1 CULTURE and CIVILIZATION TEST 9/17

                                                                                            Sunday, September 14, 2014

                                                                                            Monday 9/15

                                                                                            HAPPY COOL and WONDERFUL WEEK:  I hope you "fall" for the nice weather

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:    & #23 CIVILIZATION COLLAPSE (review questions and book jacket)

                                                                                            WHY? ID and REVIEW PROBLEMS of TODAY and THE PAST, ID, EVALUATE and PREPARE for UNIT 1 TEST

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY
                                                                                            1. #23 CIVILIZATION COLLAPSE:  Review Expert Groups Questions 1-8.  SHARE/COMPARE and ANSWER (on PADLET) ADD and EXTEND
                                                                                            2. #24 UNIT 1 CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION TEST REVIEW:  Suggestions for success, time to work, share and create
                                                                                             #24 UNIT 1 CULTURE and CIVILIZATION TEST REVIEW DUE 9/17
                                                                                            #24 UNIT 1 CULTURE and CIVILIZATION TEST 9/17

                                                                                            Thursday, September 11, 2014

                                                                                            FRIDAY 9/12

                                                                                            HAPPY WEEKEND EVE:  Lets have a FRIDAY of UNDERSTANDING the PAST to have a SUCCESSFUL FUTURE

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:    #21 READING JOURNAL COLLAPSE #4, #5 & #23 CIVILIZATION COLLAPSE

                                                                                            WHY? ID: ISSUES AND PROBLEMS IN THE PAST, ANALYZE CAUSE AND EFFECT, CONNECT THE PAST TO TODAY

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY :
                                                                                            1. PADLET: What's Wrong With What We Eat?: ID What is 1 SOLUTION offered? JUDGE Good/Bad and Why?
                                                                                            2. #23 CIVILIZATION COLLAPSE:  Review and Book Jacket.  Book Jacket Link   CONTINUE and COMPLETE

                                                                                            #23 CIVILIZATION COLLAPSE QUESTIONS 1-8  DUE E.O.C (end of class) FRIDAY

                                                                                            #23 BOOK JACKET Due MONDAY 9/15

                                                                                            START REVIEWING TOC (finding Vocab words, answering Why? questions) for UNIT TEST on WEDNESDAY

                                                                                            You might also find the following links helpful to add depth and understanding
                                                                                            1. COLLAPSE READING GUIDE
                                                                                            2. JARED DIAMOND: THE RISE AND FALL OF CIVILIZATIONS
                                                                                            WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL

                                                                                            Wednesday, September 10, 2014

                                                                                            THURSDAY 9/11

                                                                                            HAPPY THURSDAY:  Lets have a HAPPY week of UNDERSTANDING the PAST to have a SUCCESSFUL FUTURE

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:   #22 COLLAPSE(online activity), #21 READING JOURNAL COLLAPSE #4

                                                                                            WHY? ID: ISSUES AND PROBLEMS IN THE PAST, ANALYZE CAUSE AND EFFECT, CONNECT THE PAST TO TODAY

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY :
                                                                                            1. PADLET: ID: EXAMINE and ID AS MANY REASONS FOR THE COLLAPSE OF CIVILIZATION AS YOU CAN.......
                                                                                            2. #22 COLLAPSE: Why Civilizations Fall or Fail?  EXTRA CREDIT SHOW AND TELL: Garbageology, Poem, Paragraph or Sign
                                                                                            3. #21 READING JOURNAL COLLAPSE: EPISODE 4  Add and Extend (5+details)
                                                                                            4. #23 CIVILIZATION COLLAPSE:  Review and Book Jacket.  Look for the email and here is the Book Jacket Link
                                                                                            HOMEWORK: COLLAPSE
                                                                                            READING JOURNAL #3 (10 details, 2 questions, 2 quotes, 2 WOWS!)  PGS 428-438 DUE 9/10
                                                                                            READING JOURNAL #4 (10 details, 2 questions, 2 quotes, 2 WOWS!) PGS 495-505 DUE 9/11
                                                                                            READING JOURNAL #5 (10 details, 2 qustions, 2 quotes, 2 WOWS) PGS 530-534 DUE 9/12

                                                                                            #23 CIVILIZATION COLLAPSE DUE E.O.C (end of class) FRIDAY

                                                                                            You might also find the following links helpful to add depth and understanding
                                                                                            1. COLLAPSE READING GUIDE
                                                                                            2. JARED DIAMOND: THE RISE AND FALL OF CIVILIZATIONS
                                                                                            WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL

                                                                                            Tuesday, September 9, 2014

                                                                                            Wednesday 9/10

                                                                                            HAPPY WEDNESDAY:  Lets have a HAPPY week of UNDERSTANDING the PAST to have a SUCCESSFUL FUTURE

                                                                                            HAVE OUT:  #21 READING JOURNAL COLLAPSE and  #22 COLLAPSE(online activity)

                                                                                            WHY? ID: ISSUES AND PROBLEMS IN THE PAST, ANALYZE CAUSE AND AFFECT, CONNECT THE PAST TO TODAY

                                                                                            PLAN OF THE DAY :
                                                                                            1. PADLET:  ID 1 CAUSE of the MAYAN COLLAPSE?
                                                                                            2. #21 READING JOURNAL COLLAPSE:  Episode 1 Add and Extend (5+details)
                                                                                            3. #22 COLLAPSE: Why Civilizations Fall or Fail?: ONLINE INVESTIGATION
                                                                                            HOMEWORK: COLLAPSE
                                                                                            READING JOURNAL #3 (10 details, 2 questions, 2 quotes, 2 WOWS!)  PGS 428-438 DUE 9/10
                                                                                            READING JOURNAL #4 (10 details, 2 questions, 2 quotes, 2 WOWS!) PGS 495-505 DUE 9/11
                                                                                            READING JOURNAL #5 (10 details, 2 qustions, 2 quotes, 2 WOWS) PGS 530-534 DUE 9/12

                                                                                            GARBAGE-OLOGY:  The CHACO CANYON ACTIVITY from #22 DUE 9/10

                                                                                            You might also find the following links helpful to add depth and understanding
                                                                                            1. COLLAPSE READING GUIDE
                                                                                            2. JARED DIAMOND: THE RISE AND FALL OF CIVILIZATIONS
                                                                                            WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL